The laconicum or caldarium,
corresponding with the stufa of modern Italy, does not
equal the gorgeous display of the tepidarium,
though the schola, if that term be applicable to
the semicircular termination, has not been neglected in
point of ornament.
The alcove has been highly decorated, but, from the
total absence of symmetry in the compartments, they
seem to have been taken from some other building and
placed here. Neither the circular vent for the vapour,
which was here abundant, nor the quadrangular holes in
the vault, are regular.
The hole for the lamp, which was glazed with a curved
glass like that of a watch, admitted light both toward
the caldarium and to the portico of the
The labrum at the farther end would probably
have had a more elegant support than the block now
existing, had not a flaw in the marble rendered so wide
a basement necessary.
The figure in front shows the height of the cistern of
the hot-bath above the pavement of the chamber. Over
the door of the caldarium were nails by which a
curtain was suspended.